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September 20, 2024

Losing weight: Can you really lose weight with nettle tea?

Losing weight: Can you really lose weight with nettle tea?

Drinking nettle tea therefore has a dehydrating effect, stimulates fat burning and can be used as a supportive treatment for urinary tract infections, water retention or during a diet.

These nutrients are found in the nettle

The Nettle is rich in important minerals and vitamins and is known in herbal medicine for its slightly diuretic effect. The reason for the slightly diuretic effect is the flavonoids contained in the nettle leaves.

Lose weight with nettle tea: does it work?

Of course, drinking nettle tea alone is not enough to lose weight. As with any diet, it requires a calorie deficit, a healthy change in diet and exercise.

  1. To make the tea, put two heaped teaspoons of nettle tea – from the pharmacy or dried yourself – into a tea infuser or tea bag and pour boiling water over it.
  2. Let the tea brew for 10 minutes.

Be sure to drink the tea pure and unsweetened, because sugar can bind water and thus weaken the dehydrating effect.

Caution: If you suffer from heart or kidney failure and the resulting water retention or diabetes, you should not drink nettle tea. Children and pregnant women should also not drink the tea, as there are no sufficient studies on its effects.

If in doubt, you should always seek advice from your pharmacist regarding dosage and undesirable effects before using nettle tea.

How healthy is nettle tea?

Nettle tea is healthy and is particularly known for its anti-inflammatory properties. The tea can also help with bladder infections.

For mild urinary tract infections, drink two to three cups of the tea per day. However, nettle tea should not be consumed for longer than three weeks. You should also always drink plenty of water while using it.

Nettle tea can only be used as a supportive treatment for incipient cystitis and is not a substitute for medical treatment.

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