Do you know that too? You’re annoyed by a cheeky remark, but it’s only hours later that you think of the right answer. If you also lack quick wit, it could be due to your zodiac sign. There are three zodiac signs in particular that find it difficult to spontaneously find the right words.
Capricorn – adheres to fixed rules
The down-to-earth Capricorn loves to live his life according to fixed rules. This also includes not constantly having to deal with new things. It is not uncommon for this zodiac sign to begin their professional life in a company at a young age, only to leave it decades later as a pensioner. Capricorns behave similarly in their personal lives. Once he has walked down the aisle, divorce is no longer an option for him.
So quick-wittedness is not necessarily a skill that this zodiac sign needs. After all, everything always goes according to plan for him. The Capricorn reacts all the more helplessly when he meets someone who challenges him rhetorically with wit and esprit. Then he can’t think of a quick answer.
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Aries – uses a different tone
No one has ever told most Aries that being quick-witted means taking the wind out of your opponent’s sails with a witty saying. This zodiac sign tends to immediately turn up its nose in conflicts and insult the opponent with rude, humorless words.
In his anger, Aries often causes more damage than he would like. Then an apology is due to smooth things over. This zodiac sign could get through life much easier if it restrained itself a little.
Libra – Fear of the consequences
In contrast to Aries, nothing is more important to Libra than a harmonious environment. So that none of your acquaintances or colleagues feel hurt, this zodiac sign weighs every word on the gold scales.
Of course, quick-wittedness has no place in this approach to life. Because a quick and quick-witted response must come spontaneously and not after much thought. However, it may take some time for Libra to find the right words. It is not uncommon for the person you are talking to to have forgotten what it was actually about by then.
Libra should urgently work on their spontaneity. Maybe a rhetoric course could help her find the right answers more quickly in conversations without having to worry about possible consequences.
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