A toned core not only feels good, but also helps the body in everyday life. Planks are an excellent exercise for this. But there are numerous other reasons to plank regularly.
Planks not only train the entire body, they can also be the ideal start to one healthy lifestyle be, fight back pain and even help you lose weight.
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We have collected four effects of planks that will make your body really strong.
The metabolism is activated
Planks are not only effective for strengthening the entire body, but they also stimulate your metabolism. This plays an important role in losing weight.
Unlike other exercises like sit-ups, planks burn more calories because they work multiple muscles at the same time.
So if you motivate yourself to plank for a few minutes a day, you can stimulate your metabolism and help your body lose weight and build muscle.
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On top of that, there is a straight posture
If you plank regularly, you will also improve your posture and balance. Planks train the core and abdominal muscles. This makes the entire body more stable and your posture also benefits from it. An upright posture is not only healthy, but also helps you feel confident.
The first planking successes can occur after just a few weeks. At the beginning, stronger abdominal and back muscles are noticeable. These muscles are particularly important in making the overall posture more upright and preventing back pain due to long periods of sitting.
Planks: put you in a good mood and keep your nerves strong
Planking also has effects on the nervous system and can even improve your mood. The reason for this is as follows: planking stretches the very muscle groups that we often overuse in times of stress and strain.
We tend to have tense shoulders, back pain and a stiff pelvis, particularly in jobs that involve spending eight hours at a desk. Planking is the ideal way to break out of the sitting office posture. As soon as these muscles are relaxed, your mood often improves again.
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The ideal introduction to a healthy lifestyle
After a strenuous day, very few people feel like doing an extensive workout. This is where planks come in handy: all you need is your own body and a few minutes of time. Because the exercise is so uncomplicated, it is ideal for starting a workout routine.
If you continually add a few exercises, you will be able to establish regular training.
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