In order to make their waists look as small as possible, women used to force themselves into corsets so tight that they would faint from lack of air. Fortunately, those days are over.
However, a wasp waist is still considered a real eye-catcher. The only thing is: without a corset there is no alternative to targeted exercises.
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Berlin fitness trainer Katja Believer has this in a nutshellWorkout videopacked, which will leave you gasping for air, but at least it’s a lot of fun with the Spice Girls’ beats.
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1. Diagonal Mountain Climber, 3 x 20 reps
The slightly nastier mountain climber: Instead of “just” pulling your knees towards your chest in quick alternation from the push-up position, you alternately rotate to the right and left.
This makes the exercise a little more dynamic.
You pull your legs up 20 times, then take a short break before you do two more rounds.
2. Pointer, 3 x 30 repetitions
This exercise is also called abdominal press in German.
Starting on all fours, first lift your right arm and left leg off the floor and stretch them out.
Then you pull your knees and elbows together underneath you, arching or compressing your stomach.
Then repeat the same thing with the other arm and leg. In total you should get three runs of 30 versions each.
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3. Hip rotation, 3 x 15 reps
As the name suggests, this exercise involves rotating the hips.
Starting from the push-up position, move your hips alternately to the right and left of you almost to the floor.
Make sure that you stay straight and don’t let your hips deviate. You’ll know if you’re doing it right because it will be quite tiring in the long run.
Still try to do 15 repetitions and complete three rounds of them.
4. Side Toe Touch, 2x 20 reps
Now things are getting a little more comfortable, at least temporarily.
For the next exercises you lie on your side and support yourself on the floor with your forearm.
Now tighten your core and lift your top leg as high as possible before placing it back on your bottom leg.
Do you feel your sides working to keep your leg up? This is what the path to the wasp waist feels like.
Aim for two sets of 20 leg lifts per leg.
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5. Side plank, 2 x 12 reps
To do the side plank, get into a side forearm plank. Only your right forearm and the outside of your right foot have contact with the ground. On the other hand, you keep your body center in the air.
If that’s enough for you: totally fine! But Katja Believer wouldn’t be called Katja Believer if she didn’t believe that more is possible.
So just try to tense your stomach area firmly and then pull it a little higher towards the sky before you return to the straight starting position.
It’s great if you manage to get up and down twelve times, a total of twice per side.
Alternatively, it is also effective if you manage to stay in the straight starting position for a minute.
6. Bike Ride, 3x 40 sec.
Air cycling comes in two different levels of difficulty.
If you want to go straight to the max, do as Katja does and start riding a bike from the seat with your legs in the air – only with your arms supported behind you.
For the easier version, lie on your back and cycle from there.
Either way, it should ideally be 40 seconds for a total of three rounds.
Flat stomach: Diet also needs to be adjusted
A small dampener for those who thought that was it: unfortunately it doesn’t work that way.
Because a narrow waist also requires a healthy diet. “Because without this, the belly fat won’t melt 100%,” Katja tells her followers.
As is so often the case, truly remarkable results with regard to the wasp waist can only be achieved in the combination of one healthy dietand achieve sports.
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