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January 21, 2025

Simple routine: 10 things you should do before and after every workout

Simple routine: 10 things you should do before and after every workout

Do you increase the weights in your training, integrate sprints into your endurance training and keep trying out new exercises – but you don’t have the desired success?

You may be neglecting other factors that influence your training success. In addition to the training stimuli, the duration and quality of your sleep as well as your eating habits also determine how quickly you build or lose muscle.

We’ll tell you here what 10 things you can do before and after training to improve your results.

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1. Make sure you get enough restful sleep

If you want to achieve top performance in sport, you have to be well rested. Sufficient sleep – ideally seven to eight hours – is a prerequisite for this. For an optimal night’s sleep, it is recommended to avoid electronic devices before going to bed.

The blue light from smartphones, tablets, etc. makes it difficult for the body to switch to sleep mode. Good quality sleep is also important so that the muscles can regenerate and grow after training.

2. Eat a healthy snack

A slice of whole grain bread with peanut butter, a handful of almonds or a piece of fruit are ideal snacks before exercise. If you supply your body with important nutrients before exercise, it can collect energy for training.

After training, you should eat a protein-rich meal. An omelet, a quark dish or fish with vegetables are ideal for supporting muscle building.

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3. Drink lots of water

You’ve probably heard this tip before: Make sure you drink enough! And not just during training, but also before and after. If you don’t give your body enough water, the organs cannot receive enough oxygen.

The result: You feel tired and weak. Then discipline is of little use in completing the training effectively. You should drink at least two liters a day, and more on training days.

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4. Wear the right clothes

Do you go to the gym in sweatpants and street shoes? You’d better get out of the habit. Breathable clothing and good, sturdy sports shoes are a must.

For outdoor training, you should purchase additional clothing that is appropriate for the weather. If you invest in the right equipment, you will not only feel more comfortable while exercising, but you will also not be restricted in your freedom of movement.

5. Don’t forget to warm up

Skipping the warm-up is an absolute no-go! Even if you only want to exercise for 20 minutes, you shouldn’t skip the warm-up. A short cardio workout and stretching exercises are enough to prevent sports injuries. This way you can prepare your muscles for the subsequent (strength) training.

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6. The stretching program

Stretching your muscles after exercise is at least as important as warming up. During the cool-down you can let go of the strain of training and let your muscles relax. Heart rate and breathing stabilize.

7. Use a foam roller

Many experts recommend using a foam roller before and after training. Studies show that foam roller training can improve posture and promote muscle recovery. It’s worth trying out!

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8. Eat healthy after exercise

There’s one beginner’s mistake you should definitely avoid after exercising: skipping a meal! To help your muscles grow, you should eat at least a little something after training. In addition, you will quickly fall into the craving trap if you do not provide your body with enough nutrients.

A combination of proteins and carbohydrates replenishes your glycogen stores and helps your muscles regenerate.

9. Take a cold shower

Not for everyone, but a good tip for anyone who wants to achieve better results: take a cold shower! Because cold water can prevent muscle soreness. Many athletes also swear by contrast showers to feel mentally fitter!

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10. Keep a log

How many reps did you do on the bench press? How many squats? In order to improve your performance in every sporting session, it is advisable to record your progress in writing, for example in a training diary.

This way you can identify weak points and continue to improve. This not only improves your results, but also motivates you!

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