The question of which side a man sleeps on in the marriage bed may seem trivial at first glance, but it reveals a variety of cultural, psychological and practical considerations. Studies and expert opinions offer fascinating insights into this everyday phenomenon.
by Carsten Baumgardt, Fit For Fun author Published: January 13, 2025
Historically, there are no hard and fast rules about which side of the bed a man should sleep on. The choice of sleeping side is often influenced by individual preferences, room layout and practical considerations. One of the most interesting aspects is the psychological component when choosing a place to sleep. In some cultures there are traditions that say that the man sleeps closer to the door in order to be able to protect the family in an emergency, such as “The Culture Trip“ found out. A study by The Sleep Judge confirms that men often choose the side of the bed that offers them more control and protection. This decision may be motivated by a deep-rooted need for safety and protection for the family.
64 percent of men sleep on their left side
A new study by the Premier Inn hotel chain has found, according to “t online“ found that 64 percent of men sleep on the left side of the bed (viewed from the supine position). Only 36 percent of women sleep on their left side.
Psychological aspects and habits
Another study from the University of Hertfordshire also showed that people who sleep on the left side of the bed feel happier and less stressed than people who sleep on the right side. These results suggest that habit and perceived security may play an important role in bedside choice.
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Practical considerations and comfort
Practical considerations are also important factors when deciding who sleeps where. Couples often make their choice for logistical reasons, to minimize nighttime disruptions. For example, if one of the partners tends to get up frequently at night, they might choose the side of the bed that is closer to the door.
Another practical aspect can be the accessibility of important objects such as an alarm clock, water glass or book. Depending on which side of the bed is closer to a nightstand or electrical outlet, this may also influence your choice of side to sleep on. The heater is often located on the window side opposite the door. This means that the right side of the bed is slightly warmer than the left, which supports the theory that men tend to sleep on the left side. Women are more likely to feel cold than men because of their thinner skin.
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Health and ergonomic aspects
In addition to cultural and psychological aspects, health and ergonomic aspects should also be taken into account. For example, sleeping on a certain side of the bed may be more comfortable for people with certain health problems such as sleep apnea, back pain or heartburn. According to the National Sleep Foundation, the correct sleeping position can help alleviate these health problems.
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