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February 7, 2025

Prevent weight loss: five foods slow down your metabolism

Prevent weight loss: five foods slow down your metabolism

Do you suffer from water retention, feel sluggish or suffer from constipation? These are all unsightly things, but they have a common origin: your metabolism is properly out of balance.

How did it come about? Most of the time it is due to an unbalanced diet, especially these five foods inhibit yours metabolism most notably.

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1. Soybeans

Let’s start with the most controversial food. Soy is celebrated by many as almost life -saving protein source – and the bean undoubtedly provides important nutrients.

However, if there is excessive consumption, it can influence the thyroid gland in some people. But only if there is already a thyroid disease.

Soy products that are certified and fermented are recommended, for example Temph.

2. Flour, pasta and white rice

The white flour, which is mainly used in pasta and bread, hardly provides the body to the body that could boost the metabolic process.

The result: the metabolism switches to energy -saving mode. The gluten contained in the refined grain as well as strength and phytic acid also strain the body.

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3. alcohol

Regardless of whether beer, wine or sparkling wine, alcoholic beverages inhibit the metabolism and thus the fat burning in which it slows down digestive enzymes and thus blocks all further digestive processes. That means: fat is stored in the cells.

At the same time, alcohol inhibits the formation of the growth hormone testosterone. Especially when you pursue a muscle building, alcohol consumption is therefore counterproductive.

4. Sugar

The bathroom boy when it comes to metabolism is an old acquaintance: sugar rapidly rapidly up the insulin level in the body, which becomes a great strain for the pancreas that the insulin releases.

During this time the body neglects the metabolism. However, the vicious cycle has already opened: the pancreas often works so intensely after a sugar thrust that it shoots out and then there is a hypoglycaemia.

The result: poor concentration, less performance and the next cravings.

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5. Soft drinks

It is not particularly surprising that lemonades and energy drinks slow down the metabolism. They are full of sugar and, as already known, refined sugar inhibits fat burning and promotes the storage of excess carbohydrates in fat deposits.

At the same time, the sugar -containing drinks promote a strong appetite or even cravings, as the blood sugar level rises too quickly and then drops off rapidly.

Demand from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) found in one study The fact that even a protein -rich diet reduces fat burning if lemonade was drunk with meals at the same time.

“We were surprised at the great influence of sugar -containing drinks on the metabolism when they were combined with protein meals,” says scientist Shanon Caspers. “Around a third of the additional calories from these drinks were not burned and the body also needed less energy to digest the food.”

Conclusion: The best thing to do is to delete sugar -containing drinks from your menu.

So you boost your metabolism

  • Drink a glass of grapefruit juice or lemon water or a small ginger shot in the morning
  • One or two cups of green tea also pushes your metabolism
  • Drink more than two liters of water and unsweetened tea a day
  • Peppe your food with chilli, cinnamon or ginger
  • Sleep enough – at least seven to eight hours
  • Eat enough proteins
  • Integrate strength training instead of cardio training into your workout routine. The formula: the more muscles, the more fat is used in the idle state

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SL Caspers, C. Hall James, N. Roemmich (2017): Postprandial Energy Metabolism and Substrate Oxidation in Response to the Inclusion of a Sugar or non-Nutritive Sweeted Beverage with Meals Differing, accessed on January 201, 2025: HTTPS : //bmcnutr.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/S40795-0170-2

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