The good thing first: Both sweet potatoes and potatoes are now grown all year round and you can get them in every supermarket: There will probably never be an emergency.
No matter what your final choice is, you will definitely be well served with these two healthy and tasty vegetables.
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What advantages do potato dishes have?
Vitamin C, E, potassium, magnesium and calcium – the sweet tuber is bursting with power for our organism. Through its nutrients, it regulates blood pressure, helps against muscle cramps and acts as an antioxidant, among other things.
When it comes to the exact nutritional composition, the classic potato and sweet potato are very similar in terms of proteins, fat and calories:
The orange version contains – as can be guessed from the sweetness – a little more carbohydrates and therefore has 86 kcal per 100 grams. Her yellow competitor only weighs 76 kcal with the same amount. If you want to save calories, you should choose the classic potato fries. However, it doesn’t necessarily make you slimmer.
Orange tuber is considered a slimming agent
The glycemic index puts the sweet potato ahead of the potato. This means that the blood sugar level does not rise so quickly and the feeling of fullness lasts for a long time thanks to fiber.
Potatoes also contain a lot of fiber, which is why they are ideal for a complete meal. However, if you pay more attention to sugar and salt in your diet, we recommend the yellow nightshade plant. Unlike sweet potatoes, it contains less of it.
There is a lot of inspiration on social media, such as Instagram, about how to use both vegetables for cooking:
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The correct preparation of potatoes
In this country we have been familiar with potatoes for longer than with the morning glory plant, which has been eaten in Central and South America for 10,000 years. Only social media and better availability of the tuber in stores are making it more accessible to us.
We are used to the floury taste of the yellow tuber, but the sweet-tasting, orange version is still new territory for some.
Soup, puree or gratin: luckily it is preparation Both types of vegetables are very similar, except for the fries:
Sweet potato fries are usually baked because they quickly become soggy in the deep fryer. Because they save fat, they are healthier and therefore better for losing weight.
Tip: You can also prepare the classic fries on a baking sheet and they will still be crispy!
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