Chia seeds can now be bought in every supermarket. You can mix them into bread and porridge, use them as a salad topping or pudding.
For us, chia is a relatively new secret weapon. The natives of South America knew about the power grain centuries ago.
Nutrients in chia seeds
- Chia seeds are a good source of protein and contain few carbohydrates. That’s why they’re ideal for a low-carb diet.
- The grain contains a lot of protein and omega-3 fatty acids. It also contains vitamins and nutrients that are good for the body.
- Chia seeds contain lots of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. It’s good for your bones. Just 15 grams of chia seeds a day are enough. Antioxidants also reduce inflammation in the body.
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- Chia seeds make you feel full and are good for intestinal activity. Perfect for a diet.
- Chia is a good source of protein. It is also suitable for vegetarians and vegans. If you do a lot of sport, this is especially important.
- Chia oil contains many omega-3 fatty acids. These are good for your heart. They reduce the risk of heart disease and high cholesterol. They also improve blood lipid levels and blood pressure.
- Omega-3 is good for your brain. This makes you more efficient. Chia also helps against bad moods. If you don’t eat fish, chia is a good alternative.
- Chia seeds also contain vitamins B1, B3 and vitamin E and ensure beautiful skin and shiny hair. They strengthen your connective tissue and support the immune system and nerve tissue.
Lose weight with chia seeds
Chia seeds also support you in your diet. They keep you full for a long time and help your digestion. Within 10 minutes, chia seeds increase in volume tenfold, filling your stomach. You feel fuller for longer.
The protein curbs your appetite. Together with the fiber, chia ensures that your blood sugar levels remain constant. That’s why chia is ideal for a diet, even on the go or as a snack.
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Chia seeds: How to prepare them correctly
Chia can be prepared in many different ways. You can combine them with any dish. Their taste is neutral. They can be used in sweet and savory dishes. You don’t have to forego their positive effects.
But be careful: chia seeds swell significantly in water or milk. Keep this in mind when making your recipe. Two spoonfuls of chia seeds soaked in orange juice or oat milk should keep you full until lunch.
Eat chia seeds raw
You can easily use chia raw as a topping for your muesli, yogurt or salad. You can also use the superfood when baking bread or pastries, or you can grind the grains and sprinkle them over your coffee or cocoa.
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Roast chia seeds
Roasted chia seeds taste good in many dishes and provide crunch. Simply roast for 2-3 minutes (without oil!) and you’re done!
Studies have shown that your body absorbs chia seed nutrients best from ground seeds. You can use a grain or coffee grinder for this. The ground seeds should be used quickly or they will go rancid.
Soak chia seeds
Soak chia seeds in liquid, then wait 15 minutes. The dessert without carbohydrates is ready. You can add cocoa, cinnamon, nuts or fruits. Soaked, the seeds replace eggs. This way you can make any baking recipe vegan.
The best chia recipes
Chia can be prepared in different ways. Here we show you three options.
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1. Chia pudding
Chia pudding is an all-rounder. You can eat it as a dessert, in muesli, as a smoothie or as an egg substitute.
To do this, mix 4 tablespoons of chia seeds with 250 ml of liquid. You can use almond, soy, oat or cow’s milk. Let the pudding soak in the refrigerator for about 2 hours. You can mix in cocoa, cinnamon, honey or nuts.
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2. Chia gel
Chia gel is a great addition to various drinks. The gel with the black dots not only looks good, but also makes smoothies and juices even healthier.
Mix the chia seeds with water in a ratio of 1:6 and let the whole thing stand for two hours. This creates a jelly-like mass that you can mix into any drink. The drink then becomes thick.
3. Chia bread
- Mix 700g wholemeal flour, 200g dry sourdough, 3-4 tablespoons chia seeds and 400ml warm water. Mix the mixture until a sticky dough forms.
- Let the dough rest for an hour. The quantity doubles.
- Then form a loaf of bread. Score it and bake it at 180°C for an hour.
Thanks to the seeds, the bread is particularly filling and contains many important minerals and vitamins. Plus, it stays fresh for a long time.
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Chia seeds – too much of a good thing?
Chia has many positive properties, but you should not overuse it. Please note the following points to avoid rare side effects.
Chia seeds can hinder digestion if they swell in the stomach. If there is not enough fluid, constipation can occur.
You should always drink enough when you eat chia seeds. Then the seeds even promote your digestion. If your stomach is sensitive, be extra careful and monitor how you react to chia.
Blood thinners
People who take blood thinning medications can also experience side effects from chia seeds. So talk to your doctor.
The seeds lower blood pressure and act as a natural blood thinner. Therefore, the combination with blood-thinning medications can lead to problems.
If you suffer from low blood pressure, you should only consume chia seeds in moderation. Caution is particularly advised for older people.
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Allergies to chia
Chia can cause an allergic reaction in some people. If you can’t tolerate mint, thyme, rosemary or sage, you should also avoid chia.
You should also avoid chia if you cannot tolerate mustard and mustard seeds.
How much chia can I eat?
Not everything is known about chia seeds because there are too few studies showing their long-term effects. That’s why you shouldn’t eat more than 15 grams a day. One tablespoon contains approximately 10 grams.
Chia contains a lot of fiber. Eating too much of it can cause health problems. The German Nutrition Society recommends eating no more than 30 grams of fiber daily. To exceed this limit, you would have to eat 80 to 90 grams of chia daily.
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