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January 21, 2025

Please stay!: Four zodiac signs suffer from fear of loss

Please stay!: Four zodiac signs suffer from fear of loss

There are many reasons to doubt the existence of a relationship. Sometimes the partner travels a lot on business and has plenty of opportunity for affairs.

Sometimes he even flirts uninhibitedly in the presence of his relationship or looks the cashier in the eyes of the supermarket for far too long.

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Men also have plenty of reasons to question the relationship, for example if their partner gets dressed up for the office or leaves the room when working from home to have a conversation with a colleague.

Despite such Fear of loss Most people manage to trust their partner and enjoy being together. But representatives of four zodiac signs in particular are worried every day that the relationship could be over overnight or that other imponderables will turn their lives upside down.

Always really suspicious: Scorpio

His negative mood also makes Scorpio susceptible to fear of loss. This zodiac sign often worries throughout their lives about being taken advantage of. This also applies to the partnership.

Scorpio simply cannot imagine that someone loves him for his own sake. He always believes that his counterpart primarily wants to derive personal benefit from the partnership.

He cannot suppress the worry that someone else might offer even more to the Scorpio flame. That’s why he’s tense and suspicious day in and day out, which often leads to actual separation.

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Can’t let go: Cancer

Cancer is a born family man. Therefore, his fears of loss are as justified as they are unavoidable. As long as the children are small, this zodiac sign will do everything to build a safe nest for them. But secretly he is already worried that the offspring will eventually fledge and leave the house.

In order to delay this point as much as possible, Cancer mothers and spoils the sweet little ones as much as possible. But as a rule, the efforts are doomed to failure at some point and the once needy creatures set off to explore the world on their own.

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Inscrutable feelings: Aquarius

Aquarius is used to being misunderstood. Because this unconventional zodiac sign lives life in its own unique way. Of course, this also applies to relationships, in which Aquarius attaches great importance to largely foregoing rules.

Many partners react to so much laissez-faire, not enthusiastically, but rather with incomprehension. For them, Aquarius is an unstable fellow who doesn’t know who they are. Of course, they let him feel this too, which in turn unsettles Aquarius. He develops a fear of loss and in many cases he is not wrong.

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Fear of Failure: Gemini

Gemini doesn’t actually have any fear of losing their partner. After all, he loves to flirt and generously indulges his lover in amorous escapades. What drives the Gemini is rather the fear of sudden ruin.

Because this zodiac sign not only has countless interests, but also lives them out unabashedly. A simple vacation on a Mediterranean island, for example, is not for Gemini. For him it has to be a big trip around the world where he can explore as many countries as possible.

This creative zodiac sign often finances his escapades as a freelancer. But the Gemini is always secretly worried that at some point the orders will not come and that his life structure will collapse.

This article first appeared at bunte.de.

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