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January 21, 2025

Not just in January: This is what happens when you avoid alcohol

Not just in January: This is what happens when you avoid alcohol

Renunciation does amazing things to the body. Alcohol in particular has a variety of effects on the body. However, if you leave it out, you will experience a lot of effects.

1. You sleep better

When we sleep we have time to regenerate so that we are fit for the next day. Alcohol is a sedative and usually makes us very tired at first. So we easily fall into our bed after a wild party. But as soon as the body tries to break down the alcohol, we can be prepared for a restless night because our REM sleep phase is disrupted, according to a study by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.

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If we keep waking up because of the alcohol in our blood, we are actually of no use the next day.

So if you don’t drink alcohol, you’ll not only have quiet nights, but also a lot more energy for the following day. We even noticed the improvement in sleep after just two weeks of abstinence.

2. The immune system works better without alcohol

People who drink a lot of alcohol are more likely to suffer from respiratory diseases, often have poor wound healing and are more likely to get blood poisoning. As a study by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism also shows, alcohol weakens immune barriers – making it easier for viruses or bacteria to penetrate our bodies.

The good thing: If you stop drinking alcohol from now on, your immune system can get back on its feet. Researchers just aren’t sure how long it takes and how much alcohol already weakens your immune system.

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3. Those who don’t drink alcohol have clearer skin

Your skin’s appearance can also suffer from too much alcohol, which is related to processes in your body. Alcohol inhibits the metabolism and so detoxification processes do not take place, which can easily cause blackheads and pimples to appear on your face.

But if you drink a glass of refreshing water with dinner instead of a beer or wine, your cells will be flushed and detoxification processes will be stimulated. This makes your skin appear cleaner, more radiant, dark circles under the eyes disappear and the formation of wrinkles also decreases.

4. Fewer food cravings

If you stop drinking alcohol, you will also avoid cravings. According to an American study in the magazine Obesity, consuming alcohol increases brain activity and the smell of food is perceived much more intensely.

The desire to eat also increases. In addition, alcoholic drinks often contain a lot of calories, sugar and fats. So no alcohol can help you finally lose those few extra kilos on your hips.

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5. You reduce the risk of cancer

If you stop drinking alcohol, your chance of getting cancer will also decrease. Unfortunately, alcohol is one of the substances that are said to promote cancer, as several studies have shown.

Alcohol is considered a trigger for oral cavity and throat cancer, larynx and esophageal cancer, liver, colon and possibly stomach cancer, and in women also breast cancer.

According to a study from the University of Cambridge, alcohol promotes the development of cancerous tumors due to the intermediate product acetaldehyde, which is produced when alcohol is processed in the body. This substance not only gives us headaches the day after the party, but also attacks our DNA.

This can cause stem cells to mutate and carcinomas to form. Regardless of whether it’s just a glass of red wine or a whole bottle: This also happens if you only consume a small amount of alcohol. But the risk increases with each additional glass.

This article also appeared on bunte.de.

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