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February 7, 2025

Nasty: 3 zodiac signs are hypocritical

Nasty: 3 zodiac signs are hypocritical

Almost everyone knows a person like this: In the canteen, she politely invites a colleague to dinner. A short time later she is already sitting with the boss to make fun of the same person in the back. Even in your private life, you often meet people who show a friendly facade on the outside, only to weave nasty intrigues in secret.

Fortunately, such unpleasant contemporaries are in the minority. But especially among the representatives of three zodiac signs, you can always find one or the other candidate.

You can see which zodiac signs are better not to provoke in the video above.

Zodiac sign Libra – everything for success

Libra is one of the zodiac signs that attach enormous importance to professional success. In order for this to be achieved reliably, the scales are often prepared to exceed limits. For example, if a colleague tells her about a great new idea, there is a real risk that she will speak up at the next conference to proudly present this idea as her own.

She appears so convincing that her victim has no chance of clarifying the facts. After all, Libra first convincingly presented the plan to a large group. It never occurs to anyone that she simply has the chutzpah to brazenly steal ideas.

Zodiac sign Scorpio – envy and resentment

Unfortunately, the Scorpio often has the feeling that everyone around him has it better than himself. Be it the neighbor who has the supposedly nicer car or the relative with the great home – life seems to be different for everyone to show the sunny side, while the scorpion leads a shadowy existence.

For this situation to change, the Scorpio is not necessarily willing to put in the effort to be equally successful. Rather, he thinks up mean things to make things a little worse for others.

If the neighbor is not allowed to park, the scorpion is the first to anonymously call the police. And if the public order office comes to the attention of a relative because of inadequate waste separation, there is a good chance that the scorpion had a hand in it.

To save the honor of this zodiac sign, it must be said that only a few Scorpios are so scheming. Most of them have their dark side under control and are quite acceptable people.

This is how the zodiac sign Scorpio works.

Zodiac sign Gemini – eternal manipulator

The fact that the charming Gemini appears on the list of particularly scheming zodiac signs may come as a surprise to some people. After all, this zodiac sign does not seem insidious at all. Instead, Gemini has the talent to entertain and win over even larger groups.

If everyone is enthusiastic about the charismatic Gemini, they are heading into dangerous waters. Because now the twin may become a big manipulator – from Dr. Jekyll becomes Mr. Hyde.

During the conversation, this zodiac sign found out the sensitivities of the people they were talking to with fantastic confidence. Now it uses its rhetorical talent to antagonize people who have completely different views on an issue.

When these people then get into an argument, the Gemini has completed his scheming masterpiece. Satisfied, he sits back and watches with interest how the delicate situation develops.

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