A bad mood can really ruin your day or the whole week. We hope to lift the mood with holiday plans, thoughts of the beach or next weekend.
If such thoughts don’t make you feel better, it could be due to our zodiac sign. Three zodiac signs cause the corners of the mouth to hang particularly heavily on cloudy days. With an extra dose of motivation, you can get out of your low mood more easily. But each of them helps something different.
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Being active helps shooters
For the actually so optimistic shooter, bad weather has a particularly noticeable effect on his mood. He doesn’t enjoy anything anymore and would like to hide in bed until the sun finally shines again. To cheer yourself up, this zodiac sign helps to take action despite all the lethargy.
This is particularly easy for those of us who are sporty. But even if you aren’t registered at the gym, you should at least arrange to go for a walk. Once you stand in front of the front door, you’re usually amazed at how bright it is outside. You wouldn’t have thought that possible from the room.
The fresh air does the rest and quickly lifts our spirits again. Blown through and pleasantly exhausted from the physical exertion, the cloudy thoughts disappear as if by themselves.
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Uses the gloomy mood as motivation: Aries
The Aries can reinterpret his negative mood positively by finally putting into action projects that have been postponed for far too long. This keeps you busy and gives you other thoughts. While some finally tidy up the storage room, others clean out the closet.
This zodiac sign quickly realizes that they also need to paint again when they see such quick actions. Once the beginning has been made, the ram can hardly be stopped. Whether it’s spring cleaning or DIY: every item completed on our ever-growing to-do list makes us proud and happy. Who’s in a bad mood here? Aries no longer guarantees.
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Search for balance: Libra
The supposedly always balanced Libra also struggles with her motivation on cloudy days. With her strong sense of the beautiful things in life, she can wonderfully free herself from her lack of motivation. The art-loving zodiac sign simply goes to the museum, to the concert or to the cinema.
The dark thoughts have already disappeared and your head is free for your next plans. What about the new ones? Curtains? Maybe I’ll sew them myself or I’ll just decorate for summer: with bright colors and fresh flowers.
A typical Libra always comes up with more things to change than they can possibly manage. Now is the ideal time to start doing whatever it is.
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