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February 8, 2025

Losing weight: This is how the 30:30:30 diet works

Losing weight: This is how the 30:30:30 diet works

Whether it’s beauty, fitness or food: a new trend goes viral on TikTok every day. Currently everyone seems to swear by the 30:30:30 diet. But what’s behind it – and can you really lose weight with this method?

In a TikTok video, human biologist Gary Brecka recommends the 30:30:30 diet, which goes back to author, podcaster and entrepreneur Timothy Ferriss. In his clip, Brecka says: “I’ve never seen anything in my life that removes fat from a person faster than this.” Ferriss first mentioned the diet in his book “The 4-Hour Body.”

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In his video, Brecka promises that anyone can achieve initial weight loss success with this method after just one month. Is that really true? We took a closer look at the 30:30:30 diet.

What is the 30:30:30 diet?

In principle, the diet is very easy to implement. It consists in 30 minutes after getting up 30 grams of protein to take and then 30 minutes of moderate cardiovascular exercise to be completed in which the pulse should not exceed 135 beats per minute.

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Protein fills you up and helps burn fat

At breakfast, sweetened coffee or jam bread is replaced with 30 grams of protein. This amount is contained in approximately three boiled eggs, which can be eaten with whole grain bread.

The advantage: The jam bread, together with the sweet and caffeinated coffee, causes cortisol and insulin levels to rise quickly, which leads to weight gain. The protein, on the other hand, ensures that blood sugar levels remain stable. In addition, the metabolism is boosted and the dreaded food cravings are avoided.

To put it simply: The three eggs keep you full for longer and help the body burn fat effectively. By the way, the trick works just as well with an appropriate amount of protein powder, which is stirred into unsweetened yogurt, for example.

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Moderate exercise helps you lose weight

Brecka reports that many of his customers are surprised why they don’t lose fat despite intensive morning training. The reason: If too much is demanded of the body in the morning, it immediately needs an energy source.

However, muscle can be converted into energy much more quickly than fat. So the body accesses the muscle mass and spares the fat reserves that we actually want to get rid of.

However, if we consume enough protein before training, we have a long-lasting energy reserve. And if we don’t overdo it with training, we ensure that our body doesn’t start burning muscle.

Important: Never go on a diet without consulting your doctor

Done correctly, the diet can actually help you lose weight. However, the same applies here: no diet in the world can work miracles. An overall healthy lifestyle is important. Additionally, you should never start a diet without speaking to your doctor first. This is the only way you can be sure that it makes sense for you and does not harm your health.

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