Once the belly fat has spread above the hips, we won’t be able to get rid of it anytime soon. Luckily, in addition to abdominal workouts, some foods also help to make the middle of your body an eye-catcher again.
Belly fat: 6 foods that help
Turmeric stimulates the production of bile in the gallbladder. This in turn supports fat burning. And at the same time, the yellow root curbs the appetite so that no new pads are eaten.
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Domestic cultivation, cheap and healthy. Sauerkraut is an ancient superfood. It is almost fat-free, low in calories and contains plenty of vitamin C. Sauerkraut helps you lose weight by boosting your metabolism. The high amount of fiber increases the stool volume. This stimulates intestinal movement.
Healthy fats
Don’t be disappointed, but it’s not the bacon cheeseburger that melts our belly fat. It actually does the opposite. The healthy fats in avocados, nuts or fish support the weight loss process and “lubricate” vital body functions. On the other hand, if you completely eliminate fat from your diet, your body will use muscle instead of fat reserves.
Raw cocoa
Raw cocoa increases various metabolic processes in the body. Magnesium, theobromine and caffeine have a positive effect on muscle function and keep you full for a long time. Cocoa nibs bonus: The crunchy pieces from the cocoa beans are natural mood enhancers.
The fit bean promotes the release of the happiness hormones serotonin and endorphin in the brain. And a few feelings of happiness can’t hurt if you want to get your (belly) fat.
Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has a digestive effect and supports fat loss. The vinegar also keeps the blood sugar level in check – this prevents you from craving sweets or snacks in the first place. This makes it a real miracle helper against belly fat.
Whole grain
Carbohydrates are an important part of our diet even during weight loss phases. Because they fill you up for a long time and prevent us from raiding the cake counter at the bakery after lunch. But only the whole grain contains the full power: it still contains the important fiber. That’s why when it comes to pasta, bread and rice, choose the whole grain version!
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