There is a little selfishness in each of us. But in some contemporaries this character trait can also be unpleasantly pronounced – People Pleasing None. If everything has to be subordinated to his will and his goals, then even relationships can break down because of it.
The reasons for this vary from person to person, of course, but the horoscope can also play a role.
You can see which zodiac signs are particularly bad at saying “no” in the video above.
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Always looking for your own advantage: Aries
Aries is energetic and very ambitious. He wants to move forward and if he has set himself a goal, then he will work to achieve it – especially at work. His zodiac sign is ruled by the war planet Mars, which is why he doesn’t shy away from confrontations. On the contrary, he actually looks for it and then very quickly realizes how he can take advantage of a situation.
It doesn’t matter to him whether he hurts or disappoints others. However, Aries also draws a clear boundary. He behaves absolutely fair, loyal and empathetic towards his friends and loved ones – but no one should get in his way professionally.
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I want, I want, I want: Gemini
Gemini often literally has two faces. They are clever and charming and they know how to use that for their own purposes. Because behind it there is often a character who recognizes every advantage and wants to take advantage of it. Geminis can be real acting talents who will have you wrapped around their finger as long as it serves their purposes in love or work. But once they achieve what they wanted, their selfish and dismissive side comes out.
Twins are often not even aware of the consequences of their games; they just focus on themselves and their own needs. But if they have found a partner who can deal with their egoism, accept them and keep them on a long leash, they too will develop empathy and unconditional loyalty.
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Not interested in others: Sagittarius
The typical Sagittarius is very freedom-loving, curious and spontaneous. He can do pretty much anything except routine and this is reflected in his friendships and relationships. He constantly wants to surround himself with people who, from his perspective, make his life more interesting and exciting. Unfortunately, this attraction often doesn’t last long, and once the Sagittarius has made some new, exciting acquaintance, the old ones often lose out.
Sagittarius constantly have new goals in mind and don’t waste time thinking about the past. Maintaining a lasting friendship with a Sagittarius can be really difficult, but it is possible – because even he needs a modicum of stability.
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