Intuitive eating is now declaring war on classic diets. It promises long-term success without counting calories. In addition, the focus is on enjoyment and healthy food.
This is how intuitive eating works
In short, intuitive eating means that you only eat when you are really hungry. When you are full, you stop eating. Stuffing or eating out of boredom is taboo. Avoidances and bans regarding certain foods are also taboo.
Eating out of habit, routine or frustration doesn’t make it any easier to tell the difference between real hunger and mere cravings – and to prevent it.
If you want to get involved in this form of nutrition, it is very important to get to know your body better, listen to it and correctly interpret your gut feeling.
By the way, babies are particularly good at intuitive eating. But as we get older, most people forget how to eat intuitively. They also often confuse hunger and appetite.
Intuitive eating: This is what science says
The concept was first mentioned by the two nutritionists Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch in their book “Intuitive Lose Weight”, which still shapes the term today.
Researchers from Switzerland evaluated ten different studies on the subject of intuitive eating.
The results were clear: Compared to people in the control group, people who ate intuitively lost significantly more weight. At the same time, the diet successes of people who followed the intuitive eating pattern were as good as the diet successes of people on a classic diet. However, people who eat intuitively were able to maintain their weight at their desired level for longer.
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