Many people who suffer from a so-called dowager’s hump are tormented not only by the visual deformation but also by neck and back pain.
Dowager’s hump: How it develops
The dowager’s hump (hyperkyphosis) is also called nerdneck or witch’s hump. But there are many other names for it.
Reading tip
There can be many causes for a dowager’s hump: Younger people in particular often tend to have a deformed spine due to using smartphones or sitting in front of the computer for long periods of time.
Better too early than too late: Preventing dowager’s hump
If you have a sedentary job, your first priority should be to ensure you have an ergonomic workplace.
Make sure you exercise regularly in your free time. A yoga or Pilates course can, for example, promote back health.
In extreme cases, physiotherapy and massages can help against the dowager’s hump.