For many people, a cup of coffee is part of their morning ritual because the hot drink makes you more alert and more productive. The caffeine contained in the coffee beans is responsible for the stimulating effect.
The stimulant is not only found in coffee, but also in black or green tea, Cola or Pepsi. Even cocoa Dark chocolate is a valuable source of caffeine.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), an agency of the US Department of Health, has compiled a report on which foods are particularly rich in caffeine.
The following ranking list – supplemented by products commonly used in Germany – shows which foods will give you an energy boost.
1. Espresso
For breakfast, after lunch or as a pick-me-up in between: the Italian classic is very popular around the world.
No wonder: an espresso quickly provides extra energy; at 110 mg per 100 ml, it contains more caffeine than other foods. However, you also drink less of it: only about 70 ml fit into an espresso cup, while a coffee cup is equivalent to 250 ml.
2. Dark chocolate
Dark chocolate surprisingly comes in second place in the caffeine rankings. A bar of chocolate (around 100 grams) provides an impressive 88 mg of caffeine.
For comparison: the slightly lighter milk chocolate only contains 15 mg. So there’s nothing wrong with replacing your coffee with a hot chocolate made from bitter chocolate.
But it’s better not every day, because the cocoa product is high in calories.
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3. Filter coffee
Depending on the strength, 100 ml of coffee contains around 40 mg of caffeine. The content of one cup should be enough to start the day awake.
However, the effect varies from person to person because the body gets used to the caffeine intake over time. This means that some people need to drink more coffee to feel a boost of energy.
4. Black tea
If you don’t like coffee, you often turn to black tea. The hot drink is a real pick-me-up: 100 ml of tea contains 20 mg of caffeine.
Note: If you let the tea steep for more than five minutes, the caffeine content is already 30 mg.
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6. Fritz-Kola and Afri-Cola
Interesting for caffeine junkies: Both Afri-Kola and the newer Fritz-Cola deliver 25 mg of caffeine per 100 ml – that’s three times as much as Coca Cola.
7. Club Mate
Club Mate came onto the market in the 90s, but has become a trendy drink again in recent years. The tea brew doesn’t taste quite as sweet as soft drinks and provides more caffeine: 100 ml contains 20 mg.
8. Coca Cola and Pepsi
Coca Cola and Pepsi are at the bottom of the caffeine rankings. The soft drinks have around 8 milligrams of caffeine per 100 grams.
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