In theory everything seems so simple. You fall head over heels in love with a person and are loyal to them from then on. Unfortunately, everyday life speaks a different language. There are numerous temptations that tempt you to have an affair.
There are endless ways to cheat. And many people succumb to temptation. But for three zodiac signs, an affair outside the home is by no means an option.
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Capricorn – convinced of principles
Capricorn shapes his life according to fixed principles and this also applies to the partnership. This conservative zodiac sign usually can’t even imagine an affair that doesn’t end at the altar. That’s why Capricorn is extremely selective when choosing a partner.
Once the wedding ring sparkles on your finger, flirting has finally become a taboo topic. After all, for this zodiac sign, the old-fashioned phrase “Till death do you part” is much more than just an empty phrase.
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Cancer – puts family above everything
Cancer usually not only fulfills their wish for a permanent partner, but also for an entire family. This zodiac sign is only completely happy once the relationship has had offspring.
Afterwards, cancer does everything it can to preserve this ideal world. He would never jeopardize domestic stability because of a fleeting passion.
Cancer should just be careful not to overdo his maxim. Because in many cases this zodiac sign would rather stay in an unhappy relationship than pull the ripcord at some point and go looking for true love.
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Aries – speaks openly about feelings
The fiery Aries might feel like having a fling here and there. But unfortunately his unconditional honesty gets in the way.
Whenever he finds another person attractive, his sweetheart will get wind of it. Because the Aries simply cannot manage to make a secret of his enthusiasm.
So his partner has plenty of time to take countermeasures before an affair occurs. Perhaps he puts Aries on a very short leash and no longer allows him to leave the house alone until the fire of passion has died down. Or he starts a charm offensive and simply starts seducing his sweetheart again. Aries always succumbs to erotic stimuli – even if they are sent by a long-term partner.
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