Anyone who overdoes it with sugar consumption will eventually get paid.
Fatigue, skin problems and a higher susceptibility to infections are just some of the ways in which the body reacts to too much sugar.
However, if interpreted correctly, the symptoms help you understand your own body better – and take countermeasures.
Too much sugar overwhelms the body
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends, based on a person’s total energy intake, not consuming more than ten percent of free sugar per day.
For example, if someone consumes 2,000 calories per day, the recommendation would be a maximum of 50 g of sugar per day.
This can be exceeded with just two glasses of orange juice, because the WHO also understands fructose as free sugars.
In addition, finished products in particular often contain artificial sugar added, so that the WHO recommendation limit is quickly exceeded, often without really noticing.
However, in the long run this becomes noticeable in the form of health problems in the body.
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Characteristics of sugar overload
These eight characteristics indicate, among other things, that the body is already overwhelmed by the amount of sugar.
1. Digestive problems
Consuming too much sugar disrupts the intestinal flora. This can lead to diarrhea, flatulence and constipation.
2. Frequent bladder and fungal infections
Bacteria feel very comfortable in an environment rich in sugar and can multiply more quickly. On average, women with high blood sugar levels have to deal with bladder infections or fungal infections more often.
3. Frequent thirst
The more sugar you have in your blood, the more often you have to go to the toilet. The body tries to get rid of excess sugar in order to restore balance in the body.
Since you lose an above-average amount of water, your body alerts you to your lack of fluids in the form of constant thirst.
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4. Skin problems
Dry skin can also be a consequence of fluid loss due to too much sugar.
It can also lead to other skin problems. When the body can no longer process the excess sugar, the sugar in the blood binds to the proteins collagen and elastin.
These usually keep the skin firm and healthy. If too much sugar binds to them, they can no longer carry out this task normally.
This causes inflammation, blemishes, pimples and acne, skin elasticity decreases and wrinkles and cellulite appear more frequently.
5. Tooth decay
Anyone who eats a lot of sugar or drinks it in the form of soft drinks, for example, puts a lot of strain on their teeth. This is because they remain exposed to the sugar environment in the mouth even after the meal.
There the sugar finally converts into acid, which attacks tooth enamel and promotes tooth decay.
6. Fatigue
Constant tiredness and listlessness can also be signs of too much sugar in the blood.
Sweets, for example, give the body a quick boost of energy, but afterwards the blood sugar level drops rapidly and an energy deficit occurs.
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7. Bad mood
Too much sugar can not only trigger mood swings, but also depression and anxiety disorders.
Why? The human brain functions best when it is supplied with sugar in approximately equal amounts.
However, it cannot cope well with rashes that are too large, and as a result the neurological disorders mentioned can occur.
8. Weakened immune system
Consuming too much sugar can weaken the immune system and make you sick more often. In addition, high sugar consumption is often accompanied by a nutrient-poor diet.
For example, if you eat a lot of ready-made products, you are less likely to eat whole foods such as whole grains, unprocessed fruit and vegetables and dairy products.
This further weakens the immune system because it can no longer get the vitamins and minerals it needs from food.
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WHO: WHO calls on countries to reduce sugars intake among adults and children, accessed on January 29, 2021:
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