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February 13, 2025

Beautiful teeth thanks to the 1.5 trick: Dentist gives simple rule of thumb for brushing teeth

Beautiful teeth thanks to the 1.5 trick: Dentist gives simple rule of thumb for brushing teeth

Get your toothbrush, put on some toothpaste – and you’re ready to go. Do you also do these things almost automatically in the morning and evening? However, this can have an impact on your care. Two dentists reveal what really matters when it comes to dental care.

Roland Frankenberger, Professor of Dental Conservation at the Philipps University of Marburg and at the University Hospital of Giessen and Marburg, and Prof. Stefan Fickl, dentist and author (“Auf den Zahn Gefühl”) answer the most important questions about brushing your teeth properly.

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Electric toothbrush – yes or no?

“Most patients achieve much better results with an electric toothbrush,” says Roland Frankenberger. If you brush well, you can also clean your teeth with a manual toothbrush.

“But since most people brush too briefly or incorrectly – and older people in particular are no longer as agile with their hands – I always recommend the electric version to my patients.”

With an electric toothbrush, the brush head moves in addition to the hand. This removes more plaque – bacterial plaque. But: “The electric toothbrush doesn’t do the work for you,” says Prof. Stefan Fickl. “The right technique should be used even with the electric toothbrush.”

How good is the “Kai technique”?

“Kai” is the abbreviation for “chewing surfaces, inner surfaces, outer surfaces” and is probably the order that many of us learned as children. “The Kai technique is intended to help you remember where you have already brushed,” says Roland Frankenberger.

But there is another method: the Bass technique, named after the American doctor Charles C. Bass. And this is how it works: You place the toothbrush at a 45 degree angle on the gum line and make about ten small shaking movements back and forth. Then you wipe in the direction of the chewing surfaces in circular movements. This method is particularly effective at removing plaque.

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Why you should brush close to the gums

However, “the Bass technique is rather difficult for most people to perform,” says Stefan Fickl. “That’s why you shouldn’t pay too much attention to the technique, but rather try to reach all tooth surfaces during the brushing time.”

Many people brush too close to the chewing surfaces. But you should brush close to the gums, advises Stefan Fickl. This is because diseases such as caries or periodontitis have their origins at the transition between gums and teeth.

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How long should I brush my teeth? A simple rule of thumb helps

Two times two minutes a day is a good rule of thumb. “Most people only brush their teeth for about 30 seconds a day,” says Roland Frankenberger. That is definitely too short. However, the length of time it takes to brush also depends on the situation with your teeth. “If you have fewer teeth, you get through it quicker. If you have braces, bridges or implants, you usually need a little longer.”

By the way, if you use the right technique, you can’t brush for too long. “What you should be careful about, however, is not to press too hard with the toothbrush, especially at the base of the gums,” says Fickl. This can cause long-term damage to the gums. “That’s why it’s so important to use a toothbrush with soft or medium-hard bristles.”

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Brushing your teeth in the morning or evening – which is more important?

“The most important thing is to brush your teeth thoroughly in the evening before going to bed,” says Fickl. This is because less saliva is produced at night, which protects the teeth from acid and bacteria. The fluoride contained in the toothpaste can fulfill this function overnight.

And what about the morning brushing session? “Most people don’t have much time in the morning and brush because they want their mouth to feel fresh,” says Frankenberger. “That’s fine too. I tell my patients as a rule of thumb that they should brush half a time in the morning and 1.5 times in the evening.”

Brush your teeth before or after breakfast?

Incidentally, according to the dentist, studies show that it makes no difference whether you brush your teeth before or after breakfast. And: “The idea that you should wait fifteen minutes to brush your teeth after eating acidic foods has been proven wrong,” says Frankenberger. Coffee doesn’t harm your teeth either. At most, it leaves discoloration on your teeth, which can be removed by professional teeth cleaning.

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Which toothpaste should I use?

The toothpaste should contain enough fluoride. “A completely normal toothpaste with a fluoride content of 1,450 ppm is ideal for maintaining oral health,” says Roland Frankenberger. Toothpastes that claim to contain liquid tooth enamel would still have to prove in the long term that they are an alternative to fluoride.

The expert is critical of tooth whitening pastes. “If your teeth appear too yellow, you can have them bleached by your dentist,” he says. “Toothpaste won’t be able to solve this problem in the long term.” You should also stay away from coarser products. “They do remove discoloration and plaque a little faster, but are otherwise too aggressive for your teeth.”

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Fluoride gels are not necessary if you brush your teeth with enough perseverance and care. However, the gels are a good supplement for patients at risk of caries – for example, older people.

Do you really need intermediate brushing and conditioner?

“When it comes to preventing tooth decay and periodontitis, the toothbrush is by far the most helpful,” says Roland Frankenberger. Mouthwashes can give you a fresher feeling in your breath or help against bad breath. But they are not effective against tooth decay. “Mouthwashes do no harm, but they cost a lot and are of little use,” says Stefan Fickl.

However, interdental hygiene is important. What sounds like a cleaning operation on an alien planet actually means keeping the spaces between the teeth clean. They make up a third of the total tooth surface. According to the experts, interdental brushes are suitable for this. “They are easier to use than dental floss and the cleaning effect is much better,” says Frankenberger.

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