The fitness influencer Maddie Lymburger, better known to many asMadFitshared a special workout video on YouTube in which she combines ten different variations of the squat and repeats each ten times – making it the “100 repetitions squat challenge”.
This proves how diverse bodyweight exercises in general and squats in particular can be, because you definitely won’t get bored with this training session.
Instead, all muscle groups in the legs and buttocks are trained.
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For the challenge you don’t need any equipment, just a little space and the determination to successfully complete the 10 x 10 repetitions.
100 bodyweight squats in a row
The blocks of ten are performed back-to-back, but the minimal shift in focus will make them feel easier than if you were doing 100 reps without rest.
In addition to the front thighs and buttocks, MadFit’s variants also challenge the core, inner thighs and calves.
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1st variant: regular squats
You start with the classic squats.
You are in a slight hollow back, the weight is on your heels and that is where the force with which you push yourself up into a standing position comes from. When you lower yourself again, make sure that your butt pushes far back, as if you were trying to sit on a small stool.
The back always remains straight, the abdominal muscles support the movement by being tightly tense the entire time.
You can place your hands together in front of your face or chest as you go down. Do ten repetitions of the regular squats this way.
You can memorize this basic position for all of the following exercises, as it is essential for all squat variations.
2nd variant: In and Out Squats
For the second variant, you combine narrow and wide squats.
Start by going deep into the squat with a large side step, and as you come up, return to center so that your feet are just hip-width apart.
From this position you squat again – into the narrow squat. This is particularly effective for the core because you have less stability.
The narrow squat is followed by another squat, only this time you step out wide to the other side and then squat deeply.
3rd variant: Sumo Squats
Now follow ten sumo squats in which you stand with your legs particularly wide apart, the tips of your feet pointing outwards.
With this squat variation, you squat particularly deeply to make the exercise even more effective. The inside of the thighs in particular are stressed.
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4th variant: Side step squats
For the walking squats – also called squat walk – you squat deeply with a large side step, stay down and then take two more small steps to the side.
Then come up and perform the same movement in the other direction. A change in direction counts as one repetition.
Maintain the same height throughout the side steps.
5th variant: Squats with calf raises
Assume the position for wide squats – with your legs apart and the tips of your feet pointing slightly outwards. Now, as you move upwards, shift your weight to your toes and lift your heels.
Hold the tension at the top for a moment; you can use your arms to help you achieve better balance.
This variation of squats also trains your calves.
6th variant: Side squats
You already know the side squats from the second exercise.
This time, however, the wide side squats are not connected by a narrow squat. You first go deep to the right, return to the middle and then immediately go deep to the left.
Make sure to distribute the weight evenly on both legs.
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7th variant: kicking squats
With the kicking squats – also called squat push – you alternately stretch one leg out to the side of your body as you move upwards. This also trains the outside of the thighs.
You can place your hands on your temples as you go down.
8th variant: Criss Cross Squats
In this variation, which Maddie calls Criss Cross Squats, you perform a small scissor jump while squeezing your inner thighs and then squat down.
This puts additional strain on the adductors.
9th variant: Squats with rockers
This exercise is particularly intensive: you stand in a wide stance, go low and rock once at the bottom before going back up.
If you can, rock again at the bottom or simply hold the tension there for a few seconds.
10th variant: twisting squats
The last ten repetitions follow.
To do this, stand with your feet hip-width apart and squat down. With the upward movement you change your position by 180 degrees using two small circular jumps. From the new position, go deep into the squat again and jump back again.
The break caused by the jumps is not only beneficial for mobility, but also forces you to re-establish your basic posture and tension for each squat.
And you’ve already done it! That was a total of 100 squats.
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